Photo by Ian Riley

It has taken the likes of heartbreak, hardship, hosannas
& a host of late-night conversations with God to get here,
but I am here, home...
— Christian J. Collier, "Here, Home" from the EP Between Beauty & Bedlam



So, happy belated New Year! Hopefully, 2025 has, in the ways that it can, been good for you and yours. I know we’re back in the age of each week holding seemingly some form of dread, but I hope that, in the midst of that, you’re able to find some aspect of joy to keep you relatively centered and moving forward.

So far, 2025 has been kind to Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian. A few weeks ago, I had the great fortune of taking part in the Poets & Writers Debut Poets reading. If you missed it (or if you were there and just want to kick out the jams all over again), the good folks at P&W condensed both nights and put them together on YouTube. You can check it all out here:

Last month, I had the chance to read in Chicago with Maya Marshall. It was SUCH an electric night. A cold night, but an electric one, nonetheless. You can check us out here:

In other biz, I’m jazzed about some upcoming readings. I’m doing the Wild and Precious series on the 26th of this month. You should join us! Check out the deets here: Schedule

Additionally, I’ll be rocking out for the Poetry Society of Tennessee’s festival next month. I’ll be reading some poems and leading a workshop to, hopefully, help people get in touch with their weird and wild sides. If you’re in or around TN and planning (or considering attending), I think it’ll be a grand time.


Hey everybody, 

It’s been a while, I know. Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian’s fall semester is now over, so I have a sliver more time to update you fine folks on the goings on. And just before we pull the plug on 2024! 

First, Greater Ghost has been out in the world a little over three months. Madness! They feel like the fastest three months I’ve encountered in some time. The good people at Four Way Books have a sale going on RIGHT NOW through December 31st. You can grab a copy of my book or any of the other phenomenal fall releases from this year for 20% off by ordering here  and using the code: HOLIDAY at checkout. Also, if you’d like a signed copy from yours truly, let me know! I’d be more than happy to walk you through the easy steps to get one in your hands. 

Speaking of the book, I’m over the moon that Debutiful named it one of the best debut poetry collections of 2024. Check it and the rest of the list out here: The Best Debut Poetry of 2024 – debutiful

Second, I’m jazzed to announce that I’m one of the featured debut poets for Poets & Writers! I’ve long loved reading up on the debut poets, so it blows my mind in the best possible ways to be one of them. And the company? Out of this world. You can give the article the onceover here:

Next, I’ve got some readings (both in-person and virtual) coming up. Check out my schedule to find the deets, and if you’d like to book me, let’s talk! I’m eager to get out and about and kick out the poetic jams. 



Hey Everybody,

Happy Spooky Season! My book Greater Ghost has been out in the world a few weeks now, and Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been BUSY! The good kind though. I’ve been so excited about bringing the work to life in front of audiences, being in conversation about the book, etc. I feel so blessed. If you’ve snagged a copy of the book, THANK YOU!

You can check out some great reviews here: “Greater Ghost” Connects Death and the “Intimate Relationship One Has with the Body and the World” – Southern Review of Books and SUITES OF SORROW: A REVIEW OF GREATER GHOSTS BY CHRISTIAN J. COLLIER — Earth and Altar (


Greetings Everybody,

As I write this, we are JUST over a week out from my debut collection, Greater Ghost, being released! The journey has been surreal. I’m so excited for you to be able to walk around in the world I’ve built. If you’re interested in snagging a copy or two, you can do so here: Greater Ghost – Four Way Books

I’m jazzed to be kicking off my book tour in Pittsburgh on 9/15 with none other than Joy Priest! I’ve been a fan of Joy’s for years, so I’m thrilled to have the chance to meet her and debut my work. To see where I’ll be the next few months, make sure to check out my Readings section. Also, if you’re interested in booking me to read, run a workshop, etc., feel free to reach out.

Last Sunday, Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian had a poem in The Atlantic!  You can check it out here: A Poem by Christian J. Collier: 'In the Time of Dying, Meet Me' - The Atlantic


Greetings Everybody,

We’re just a few short weeks away from Greater Ghost officially being in the world! People who’ve pre-ordered are already getting their copies, and I’ve been blessed to receive some really nice reviews and messages from people who’ve read the collection. I’m jazzed for the work to find its people.

I’m also jazzed to be venturing out and about for readings! You can take a look at my newly branded Readings section to see where I’ll be. If you’re interested in having me visit your school, run a workshop, etc., don’t hesitate to reach out via my Contact page.

In other news, I have THREE poems in the new issue of Poetry. SUCH a dream come true. Also, I have a poem appearing in The Atlantic in the near future, so be on the lookout!


Greetings Everybody,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian JUST completed another semester of grad school! It’s been an interesting ride, especially at this time of my life. We’re closing in on August which also means that we’re closing in on my book, Greater Ghost – Four Way Books, being out in the world! Already, I’ve had SUCH a good time doing some interviews for it. If you’re the kind of person who enjoys getting things early, we’re doing pre-orders RIGHT NOW! If you’d like to wait, the book officially drops on September 15th.

Speaking of interviews, I recorded a podcast interview with Megan Wildhood for the New Books Network. It was such a blast recording with Megan, and word on the street is that there were a few tears shed! Check it out here or wherever you get your podcasts: Christian J. Collier, "Greater Ghost" (Four Way Books, 2024) - New Books Network

Additionally, I had the privilege of being interviewed for Speaking of Marvels. You can check that one out here: Christian J. Collier | Speaking of Marvels (

We’ve been rapidly adding live dates. You can see what I’ve currently got on the docket in my Performances section RIGHT NOW! More dates are coming soon, and if you have any interest in having me come to your neck of the woods, feel free to reach out.


Hey everybody,

As I write this, we’re officially just under four months away from my book Greater Ghost being out in the world. The closer we get to pub day, the more I find myself thinking about the journey to make the work. Friends, it has been a RIDE! I’m excited for you to read the poems, and if you’re so inclined, you can actually pre-order a copy (or two or three) here You can also read a loosie from the collection on the website.


Greetings Everybody,

It has, admittedly, been too long. Your Favorite Neighborhood Xtian has been busy—busy with life changes, busy with school biz, busy with other biz. My spring semester is coming to a close, which means that I’ve got a little bit of free (or freer) time to, as the kids say, tap in. Let’s get to it!

The good people of Electric Lit did a cover reveal for Greater Ghost, my full-length debut collection today. I’m over the moon about it, and I’m SO excited for this thing to be out in the world. You can check the reveal out here The book is slated to drop on September 15th. Get ready!!! Also, if you’d be interested in having me read wherever you are, feel free to reach out. I’d love to talk biz with you.



Happy New Year, everybody! I hope you rang 2024 in in style, with all your limbs in place, and that the first few days of the year have been kind and grand to and for you. Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is excited for what this year holds. Big on my list of things I’m looking forward to is the release of my debut collection. It feels good to say that THIS FALL, Greater Ghost will be dropping by way of Four Way Books, and I’m JAZZED for you to read it. I spent the last few weeks of 2023 doing final final edits on the work, and I thoroughly enjoyed being back in that world again.

That aside, I’m preparing for my first AWP. I have NO IDEA what to expect, which is kind of exciting. I’m planning on just having the adventure and, hopefully, a good time. If you’ll be around, let me know. Maybe we can link up.


Hola folks,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian can’t believe we’re at the end of 2023. In a lot of ways, I feel like this year sprinted by. I need to start making plans (you know, plotting and scheming) for 2024. I enjoy having goals to shoot for.

Let’s see. On my end, my semester JUST wrapped up. I’m reveling in being slightly less busy. Also, I tttthink we finalized the cover for my book (FYI, it looks FIRE!), and we’ve got two out of three blurbs in. The baby is being made, which makes me feel several things. Mostly, I feel good things. 


Greetings Everybody,

I know. Long time, no write. Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been the busy. Most of my life has revolved around grad school, but I’m still here. Still strong. Still getting it in. Now, pardon me while I knock on wood.

So, I JUST learned that my AWP panel will be on Thursday, February 8th at 10:35 AM. If you’re planning on attending, you should come through. It’s going to be a good time.


Greetings Everybody,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has some brand spankin’ new news. I’m not only going to be attending AWP next year, but I’ll also be on a panel. It’s called It’s Alive… It’s Alive! Using Horror Film Aesthetics in Poetry, and I’m rocking out, talking shop with Glenn Shaheen, Sara Eliza Johnson, Christopher Munde, and Melanie Jordan. This will be my first AWP rodeo, so if you’ll be in Kansas City and in attendance, let me know. I have no idea what to expect, so I’m just going to allow myself to have the adventure and take it as it comes. Huzzah, I say.

In other news, the good people at Still: The Journal have nominated yours truly for the Best of the Net. I’m jazzed. Jazzed, I tells ya. And, more importantly, I’m really appreciative. It always means something when people believe in your work enough to champion it. If you want to give my poems the onceover, you can check them (and others) out here: Poetry (

Next weekend, I’ll be on a panel with Andrew Najberg and Jessica Ann York for the Meacham Writers Workshop at UTC. We get going at noon. If you’re around and want to hear us talk shop and/or pick up a signed copy of my chapbook The Gleaming of the Blade, bring yourself! The details are up in my Performances section.


Greetings Everyone,

I’m late in writing on here, but I have NEWS! School has kept me on the busy side of things, but I’m jazzed to share some of what’s happened since last I scribbled things down.

First, Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian found out last month that I’m a recipient of the Tennessee Arts Commission’s Individual Artist Fellowship! I’m SO thankful. I’m following in the footsteps of some of the artists across the state I call friends and peers.

Second, I’m excited about my upcoming full-length debut poetry collection that drops next year. We got the rights for the cover art, and I’m thrilled for you fine folks to see it. I actually stumbled across the art around four years ago and had it in my phone ever since. I’ll keep you guys posted on further developments, and if you can’t wait until next year for poems, keep in mind that my chapbook is STILL for sale. You can grab copies here The Gleaming of the Blade by Christian J. Collier – Bull City Press or contact me if you’d like a signed one.


Greetings Everybody,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is now in grad school! MFA, here I come! It’s interesting to be back in school after many, many moons.

I’ve got some NEW poems that are going to be published in the near future. Stay tuned! I’ll shoot the info out as soon as I get the go ahead.

Also, I had the good fortune to do two interviews recently. You can check them both out here Take On The South and 3 Questions and a Poem. For the former, there’s an intermittent buzz when I talk (technology hates me every now and again), but it shows up less and less as the interview goes on. Don’t tap out too early!


Greetings Everybody,

Today is the last day of National Poetry Month. Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian has been ACTIVE for this whole month and beyond. I feel really grateful for the opportunities the past few weeks have given me, and I’m extremely proud of the work I’ve been able to do. I’ve worked (and workshopped) with the community, talked about my chapbook and poetic practice, etc.

Even though National Poetry Month is coming to a close, I still have a few copies of The Gleaming of the Blade I’d be more than happy to sign and sell. If you’d like one, feel free to contact me and I can give you all the details. I’m SO proud of this little book and what it’s brought to my life.


Greetings Everybody, 

Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been BUSY! Mostly, I’ve been the good kind of busy. Pardon me while I knock on wood so as not to jinx myself. A lot has been and is going on. Let’s jump in!

This past weekend, we hosted the incomparable Gabrielle Bates for the Meacham Writers’ Workshop. She led a community workshop and gave a featured reading along with Cynthia Robinson Young, Corrie Lynne White and yours truly. If you haven’t already done so, go get yourself a copy of her debut collection! It’s been receiving all the stellar praise, and rightly so. 

I’ve been named a Meacham Fellow, which means that I’ll be leading some workshops and giving a few readings over the course of the next month. I’m excited about it, and I’m banging out lesson plans like a madman. Mua ha haaa!!! I did my first workshop last week, and I’m looking forward to the next ones. You can look at my Performances section to see where I’ll be. 


Greetings Everybody, 

It’s a little late, but Happy New Year! Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been on the busy side of the coin (thus the delay in updating this here website). Let me hip to some of the things that have kept me the good kind of tired. 

First, I’ve been asked to serve as a consultant for this spring’s Meacham Writers Workshop. I’m VERY excited to say that we’ll be bringing the incomparable Gabrielle Bates to town! She’ll be doing a workshop and reading with Corrie White and yours truly on 3/25. More details will be coming in the very near future, so stay tuned! In the interim, you can take a gander here: Meacham Writers’ Workshop | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (

Our first Plug Poetry Project virtual open-mic of 2023 will be going down on the 18th of this month. The theme is Welcome to Heartbreak. It’s always interesting and fun to see how everybody interprets the theme, so I’m jazzed to hear what everybody comes up with. The suspense! 


Greetings Gang,

We’re rapidly approaching the end of another year. 2022 has been such a blessing for yours truly. My chapbook has been out for almost 9 months now, and it’s been a gift that keeps giving. My full-length manuscript is under contract with Four Way Books and will be dropping in 2024. My complaints, for the most part, are minimal.

I still have a few copies of my chapbook that I can sign and send your way if you’d like a personalized one. if you are, hit me up! I’ll walk you through how we can get a book into your hands in the very near future.

Oh! The mighty Bull City Press has a Black Friday sale going on RIGHT NOW! All softcovers are $10. That means you can grab my chap for a little less than it usually goes for. You can snag one… or five here: The Gleaming of the Blade by Christian J. Collier – Bull City Press


Greetings Folks, 

Spooky Season is upon us, and Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is REVELING! I love this time of year. It’s always been a pretty kind season to me, and that’s been the case for this year, too. 

I took part in the Southern Festival of Books this past weekend in Nashville, and it was huge fun! My chapbook sold out (a great problem to have), my panel and reading were a blast, and I had a fantastic time meeting people, buying books, etc. I’m so grateful that the incomparable Cassie Mannes Murray got me in the mix, and I definitely hope to be back.

I’m scheduled to take part in the Meacham Writers’ Workshop next week. I’ll be doing a reading next Thursday and serving as a judge for the student writing competition on Friday. I’m anticipating a good time and great work.

MTSU’s conference last month was a great time, too. I feel stunningly blessed with writing biz lately. Fingers crossed the goodness continues.


Greetings Everybody, 

Welcome to the latter part of September. I have some exciting news. Recently, I signed a contract with Four Way Books to bring my debut full-length poetry collection into the world! I’m over the moon about it. Four Way has published books and poets I absolutely love, so it’s wild that they’ll be releasing my project. It means a lot. Right now, we’re looking at the fall of 2024. Dun, dun, dunnnnn. 

Since signing the contract, I’ve had a lot of fun diving back into the work. I’ve not really looked at or touched it in a while, so it’s been interesting to inhabit the world within it once more. 

Switching gears, this weekend, I have the honor and privilege of taking part in MTSU’s Creative Writing Conference. I’m really excited about it. I’ll be reading for the kick-off Friday night, and then on Saturday, I’ll be leading a class where we’ll think and write about the things we find sacred and intimate. 

Next month, I’ll be taking part in the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville. The lineup is insane! I’m thrilled to be involved, but also to spend all the money acquiring books to read. I mean, there are way worse things to shell out money on. Am I right?


Greetings folks, 

Welcome to August. Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been on the busy side of things. A little bit stressed, but all the way thankful. 

We JUST had our latest Plug Poetry open-mic this past weekend. As always, it was a great time. We had new faces, new voices, grand poems, and phenomenal energy. How can you beat that? I’m hoping to do another one either this month or in October, so you know I’ll keep you fine folks in the loop as things get a little clearer on my end schedule-wise. 

If you’re going to be in or around Murfreesboro on September 24th, you should consider taking part in MTSU’s fall writing conference. I’m going to be leading a 90-minute workshop in the morning, and we’re going to be doing it outside! It’s called Interrogating the Intimate and the Sacred, and I’m excited to work with and learn from the attendees. You can check out all the details here: MTSU Write | Middle Tennessee State University

I’ll also be doing the Southern Festival of Books in Nashville this October. If you’re planning on attending or being in the area, let me know. I’ll also be doing a reading at some point. Stay tuned! You can check out the current lineup of who’ll be there here: Southern Festival of Books (

Lastly, the good at Apogee Journal recently came out with their list of books for this year’s Sealey Challenge. I’m very honored that Gleaming is on there! You can peep their list here: August with #TheSealeyChallenge! - Apogee Journal


Greeting Everybody,

So, last week, I had the great honor and privilege of rocking out with poet and professor Andrew Najberg for my physical book release (You can buy Andrew’s great new book here The Goats Have Taken Over The Barracks by Andrew Najberg – Finishing Line Press). It was an extremely hot day (I think we maxed-out at 98 degrees), but we had nice shade on the terrace of the Hunter Museum of American Art, consistent breezes, and yours truly brought a cooler full of ice and ice-cold water. I’d say it was downright comfy by the time we got set up and squared away.

You know though, it’s such a rare thing in my life that I really get to see and feel how loved my work and me are. We had over 40 people who came out during a heat advisory AND a pandemic to hear me, and that means the world to me. One of my former classmates from grade school came as well as the principal of my elementary school! How grand is that?! I hadn’t seen the latter since 1995. It was truly a humbling and moving night for me, and I hope I don’t forget it anytime soon.

Switching gears, I’m going to be a presenter for MTSU’s upcoming fall conference. I’m going to be leading a 90-minute generative session called Interrogating the Intimate and the Sacred. Dun, dun, dunnnn. This guy? Really jazzed for September. If you plan to be in or around Murfreesboro on September 24th, you should consider coming through. I’ll keep you abreast on the details as I receive them.


Greetings, everybody. Last weekend, I had big fun reading for the Ink Drink event sponsored by a new bookstore in Chattanooga called Book and Cover. I read with Kitty Forbes and Corrie White, and, thankfully, the weather cooperated, and peeps showed up. All good things!

Next up for me is the physical launch of The Gleaming of the Blade. Not only do I get to read with Andrew Najberg, who is a poet and person I admire and appreciate, but we get to do the do outside. The Hunter Museum of American Art is SUCH a beautiful space, and I’m very pleased to be back in collaboration with them. If you’d like more details about the show, you can find them in my Performances section.


Greetings! Welcome to the month of May, folks. Hopefully, Poetry Month was grand for you fine people, and if you participated in the 30/30 challenge, I hope your endeavor was successful.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian has some news. Last week, I learned that I am the 2022 winner of the Porch Poetry Prize! SUCH a great honor. Some of my favorite writers have received this prize, so it feels fantastic to be a part of that lineage. You can check out the poem in the next issue of the Nashville Review.

Aside from that biz, I’ll be reading some poems as a part of an event at a new bookstore in Chattanooga called Ink Drink. You can check out the time and location in my Performances section. If you’re in or around town, feel free to come through. I’ll have copies of my chapbook available for purchase.


Greetings Everybody, 

Hopefully, your Poetry Months are kicking tail and you’re both reading and writing phenomenal things. This guy? Well, he’s certainly been reading some wonderful things, and I’m sure they’ll manifest in some surprising and creative ways in the future.  The suspense!!!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been the good kind of busy. I’ve had the great honor and privilege of doing a lot of interviews and podcasts the past few weeks. It’s been SUCH an amazing experience to talk shop with brilliant and creative minds. You can check them out here:

If you’re interested in grabbing a copy of my chapbook, the mighty Bull City Press is having A SALE! You can grab it and any of the other poetry collections this month for 20% off. Check it out here: The Gleaming of the Blade by Christian J. Collier – Bull City Press


Greetings Everybody,

Welcome to National Poetry Month! Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian isn’t participating in the 30/30 challenge this year, BUT I did manage to snag (I ttttthink) a new poem on the 1st. I’ll take it. Woo!

I wanted to let you fine folks know that I booked my in-person BOOK LAUNCH for The Gleaming of the Blade!!! If you’re in or around Chattanooga on June 16th, Andrew Najberg and I will be doing the do at the Hunter Museum. If you’re like me and have been shying away from inside things, everything will be outside. My goal is to keep everybody as safe as possible, so if you’re comfy with that and available, consider yourself invited.


Greetings Everybody,

My chapbook has been out in the world for a little over two weeks now! The response has been amazing, and I’m so appreciative to everyone who’s taken their time and spent their money checking it out. It’s a wild thing to not only have something out in the world, but to also have a thing out in the world that people are actively checking out. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Last week, I learned that the chapbook was a bestseller on Small Press Distribution’s list for the month of February. That blows my mind in the best way.

In other news, I took part in the first night of this year’s Bootleg Reading Series. I had the great pleasure of sharing space and poems with Rajiv Mohabir, Victoria Redel, James Fujinami Moore, Caroline M Mar, and more. Friends, it was SUCH big fun. Word on the street is that it was recorded, too, so don’t be surprised if it ends up on YouTube in the near future. Part two of the series is tomorrow. If you’re free, check it out. The lineup is stacked! You can register for it here


Hey Everybody,

My chapbook has officially been out in the world for one week now! So crazy! We did the virtual launch last Thursday, and it was SUCH big fun. I’m so honored to have shared space with Donna Spruijt-Metz and Sadia Hassan, and I can’t express my gratitude enough to Noah and Ross from Bull City for hosting us.

If you’d like a copy of the book, you can purchase one here The Gleaming of the Blade by Christian J. Collier – Bull City Press. Also, if you’d like to grab a signed copy from yours truly, feel free to contact me. Venmo and PayPal are gladly accepted.


Hey, everybody. Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been WORKING! It feels amazing. I’ve done a number of interviews and readings the past few weeks, and I love having the chance to bring people into my chapbook. If you’re interested, you can check out what I’ve been up to here:

Speaking of The Gleaming of the Blade, MY CHAPBOOK DROPS IN JUST UNDER TWO WEEKS! What an absolute adventure the past year has been. I’m so honored and grateful for all the work people have put into the book and all of the love people have already shown it. From the phenomenal people at my press to the people who’ve received copies early, I’ve been bowled over. If you’d like to order a copy, you can do so here: If you’d like to snag yourself a signed copy from me, feel free to contact me and I’ll walk you through how we can make that happen.

I’m very excited to be doing a virtual launch for the book, too. I have the distinct honor of rocking out with Sadia Hassan and Donna Spruijt-Metz on the 24th of this month. You should come hang out with us! We’re going to poem you with a mighty vengeance. You’ve heard it here first. Make sure to register here and I hope to see you in our digital crowd!


Happy New Year, everybody! 2022 is upon us. Lots of last year’s dark spots are, obviously, still with us. But we keep living until we can’t, right? I sincerely hope you’re all doing well, staying safe, etc.

We’re a little over a month away from the release of my chapbook! I’ve been seeing copies in the hands of people who’ve pre-ordered, and it makes me feel so many positive things. This entire time, I’ve not fully felt that this was real, so seeing the book in different homes in different hands really cements the fact that this thing the Bull City peeps and I banged into shape IS real and beginning its next life. How beautiful is that?

You can order a copy here Word on the street is that if you go ahead and order, you can also have it arrive before the official release date. Dun, dun, dunnnn.

I’ll be putting the word out soon on how to get a signed copy from yours truly. Be on the lookout!



It’s crazy to be on the cusp of Xmas. If you’re like me, you haven’t really been in the Holiday spirit these past few years, but it’s nice to still be here and healthy to celebrate. I hope I can say the same next year, and I hope the world is in a much different place by that time, too.

Let’s see. Last weekend, I was a guest on Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram’s Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio program. It was HUGE fun. We talked about my upcoming chapbook, my life, and more. Also, this was the first time I’ve read poems to anyone from the actual book, so that felt special. If you’d like to listen in, you can do so here: Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Christian J. Collier 12/18 by Michael Anthony Ingram | Poetry (


What’s shaking, peoples? By this time next week, we’ll be halfway through December. 2021 is rapidly winding down, and a brand new (hopefully insurrection-free) year will be upon us. Are you ready?

So, this guy? He received his author copies of his chapbook this week, and YO!!!! It looks incredible, and it’s trippy to know that every word in it is a word that came from me. Also, I realized last night just how much and how many people are in the book. My family is in it, my city is in it, friends, co-workers, etc. There’s an entire world in the pages that emerged from the real world (or worlds) I’ve existed in. Maybe I was aware of that before but having the distance from actively looking at the text has kind of brought it to the forefront for me.

If you’d like to pre-order a copy, you can do so here The book’s official release date is in February, but there’s a good chance you could be holding it in your hands before then. Don’t quote me on that, but I’d say it could be in the cards. Dun, dun, dunnn.



Welcome to the last month od 2021! It’s wild to be here. Who would’ve imagined that at this time last year, we were just beginning the vaccination rollout and were only a few short weeks away from an insurrection?

So, I’m VERY pleased to announce that the good people at Hayden’s Ferry Review nominated my poem Benediction for the Black & Young for a Pushcart Prize! This is my first time being nominated, so it feels amazing. I’m very proud of that poem and having it acknowledged in this manner feels special. The poem also appears in my upcoming chapbook The Gleaming of the Blade (which you can pre-order RIGHT NOW here


What’s shaking, family? November is upon us! That means 2021 is winding down, but it also means that each day brings us closer to The Fireside Poetry Reading! If you didn’t know, Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian will be doing a reading with Dr. Han VanderHart, Rachel Crumble, and Issam Zineh on the 13th. Tickets are available for FREE (or you can donate a little something our way) here

In other news, I recorded an episode of the Of Poetry Podcast with Han, and it’s officially out in the world. We discussed poetry, my upcoming chapbook, Mike Flanagan and horror, and more over the course of an hour. If you’d like to give it a listen, you can do so here It was such a good time and a complete honor to talk with Han. They’re truly one of my favorite poets and people, and I’m very glad that I don’t sound as sleep-deprived as I felt when we recorded!


Hey Everybody,

We’re more than halfway through my favorite month. Hopefully, you guys are having a Spooktacular (see what I did there?) October and are staying safe and healthy.

Preorders for my upcoming chapbook The Gleaming of the Blade are going on NOW! You can go ahead and grab a copy (or two… or three) this very moment at

Also, I’m doing a virtual reading next month on November 13th with three fantastic poets. Han VanderHart, Rachel Landrum Crumble, and Issam Zineh are all fantastic. Han and Issam have projects that can be purchased right now. Issam also has a full-length forthcoming year, and Rachel and I have projects that drop in January and February. If you want to hang out with us, you can snag a ticket via Eventbrite here


Greetings folks,

So… Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is a married man. No more living in sin for this guy! It’s still very surreal for me. At least once a day, I find myself in disbelief.

Also, on my wedding day, some horrible person hacked one of my Gmail accounts, and it’s been an absolute nightmare. Google hasn’t done anything to help me, and it’s a special kind of violating feeling knowing that not only has someone chosen to shatter your privacy, but they’ve also been given close to three weeks of free reign and counting with it. My advice? NEVER GET HACKED! Two-factor authentication on everything! You’ll thank me later.

In other news though, I’m very excited to announce that my upcoming chapbook The Gleaming of the Blade is NOW AVAILABLE FOR PREORDER! You can check it out OR order a copy… or five here:

You know, I realize that so many beautiful, masterful hands have played a role in making this work what it is and will be (we’re still doing a little bit of cooking), and I cannot begin to express how blessed I feel. With that said, mark your calendars for February 22nd of 2022, by the way. Why? I’ll gladly tell you. February 22nd just so happens to be my slated release date for the book! Make sure to stay tuned on readings and such. I’m hoping to have a very busy dance card around that time.

Lastly, I created a Linktree account. If you want to follow me on the socials, you can find a good bit of the things I’m involved in in one place. Check me out here:


What’s good, everybody? Hopefully, there’s a lot that’s good in each and every single one of your lives. And I mean that sincerely.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian JUST wrapped up his first Bread Loaf (that’s fun to write), and it was amazing. I have lots to process, read, analyze, etc., and I LOVE that. I told Vievee Francis, who led my workshop, that I was interested in a new and/or different way of looking at the work, and I definitely have that, so I’m excited to kick out the jams and get back under the hood, so to speak.

Earlier this year, I was asked to reflect on what it was like to be Black in America in 2020 for Hayden’s Ferry Review. I ended up writing a poem that will also appear in my upcoming chapbook. The poem and some other amazing pieces are up now! You can check the whole shebang-a-bang out here

Lastly, we’re looking to launch my chapbook next February. In the interim, I’m retooling my mailing list. If you’re interested in being included, feel free to say so in my Contact section, and I’ll add you. You have my word that we won’t email your eyes out. You’ll just get emails on updates regarding my book (preorder info, mmmmmaybe some readings and such, etc.).


Greetings Folks,

We’re in August now! Still living through wild times, and I sincerely hope that you and yours are doing well.

So, I had my first reading in over a year last week. It was outdoors and, I think, went very well. I read almost exclusively new work, so it was big fun having the chance to see how those pieces landed. I also didn’t know what to expect given that the last time I stood in front of a group of people and poemed them, the world hadn’t changed yet. I try to live my life sans expectation, so I didn’t try to conceive of how reading again would look or feel like, but IF I had any expectations, they would’ve been shattered in the best possible way.

I’ve been BUSY lately. The good kind of busy, but busy still. I’ve been working hard on whipping my chapbook into shape (it’s CLOSE), and that’s been challenging and exciting. I’m taking part in this year’s Bread Loaf conference, and gearing up for that has also been exciting and challenging.

In the midst of all this though, I’ve been doing something I’ve not done a great deal of over the years, and that’s either saying no to things or letting people know that it will be a few months before we can even have the conversation about whatever there interested in involving me in. That feels both new and like a blessing.


Greetings Folks,

Welcome to July. We’re seven months into 2021, which feels WILD to me. Time is still something I’m having an interesting relationship with, so the fact that we’re halfway through the year now is a strange one for me to wrap my head around. But, alas, here we are.

This guy? He has himself some news! I’m going to be doing a reading on 7/29 at the Sculpture Fields in Chattanooga. My set will be in conversation with a beautiful Jason Kimes piece that’s there. Admission for it is $15, and the registration info can be found here


Greetings Folks,

We’re officially in June, which means that we’re rapidly approaching my wedding date! It’s wild to believe that nuptials are in the immediate future. It’s also wild to believe that I’m going to have a chapbook in the world with one of my dream presses! This year is a guaranteed life-changer for yours truly.

Speaking of the chapbook, we’re entering production on it. Edits and a bunch of other things are coming, which makes me feel ecstatic. I feel like it’s important to write down my goals and the things that are important to me in order to preserve my peace of mind and this special feeling I’ve been carrying around. I feel like, particularly in this day and age, it’s so easy to lose the magical things provided to us from what we make.

In other news, if things shake out well, I’ll be announcing my FIRST LIVE READING in over a year. That’s both exciting and a good bit to navigate. Being around strangers in a relatively vulnerable capacity both in terms of performance and proximity is something I still have to wrap my head, remainder of my body, and emotions around. It’s an understatement, but the past year has been HARD. Even the thought of letting my guard down is so difficult. I’ll keep you fine folks posted on the details and such when they get hashed out and finalized.

Switching gears, I'm very pleased to announce that I’ve got a poem in a new, phenomenal anthology that’s dropping SOON. It’s celebrating ten whole years of the poetry in the Brew open-mic out of Nashville, which has been a home away from home for me, as well as a number of others, I’m sure. Pre-order info and other deets can be found here:


Greetings Folks, 

So, I am EXTREMELY pleased to announce that my chapbook manuscript was named the 2021 Frost Place Competition Editors’ Selection. That means that I’m one of the two newest members of the Bull City Press family AND my chapbook will be ushered into the world by them. Shoutouts to Ae Hee Lee for winning the competition. I, for one, am very much looking forward to buying and reading Ae’s book when it drops.

Bull City has been a dream press for years, so I’m really over the moon about all of this. I can’t tell you how excited I am to bring this work into the world, and if you decide to check it out, I hope you enjoy it. Word on the street is that it could be dropping in the late fall, so make sure to stay tuned!

Also, I got some new headshots taken in March. They look fantastic (shoutouts to Ian Riley for hooking me up!), but what’s even more special to me is that we snapped the pictures at my parents’ house. I’m elated that a piece of home will be on each copy of the book, too. I know that’s a small thing, but it’s a small, important thing for me. So much of the work that has gone into this chapbook manuscript has to do with home, and to have a literal piece of where I’ve grown in the mix just makes it even more meaningful.



Hey Folks,

I REALLY hope that you guys are all doing well, staying both safe AND vigilant. I told someone yesterday that it seems like people are living with a renewed sense of hope, and that makes me happy, but my hope is that we continue to stay the course in order to make things better across the board health-wise.

So, Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is, apparently, going to be on NPR (THE NPR) for an upcoming segment on jazz. How wild is that? I’ll let you know when it’s slated to happen if you want to listen in. Also, keep in mind that I recorded my part in a closet, so if it sounds amazing, you can refer to me as the Black Macguyver.

Seriously though, jazz has and continues to be a large source of inspiration. I’m excited for those of you who listen to the piece to get a little peak behind the curtain to see how I use it for tone and some other things.

Also, I’m over the moon to have work in the latest issues of The Michigan Quarterly Review and Hayden’s Ferry Review. Both are officially out now, and you should definitely scoop them up, if you have the means. Both are filled with incredible work, and I’m honored to have some things stand behind such strong art.


Greetings Folks,

We’re officially in April! Welcome to National Poetry Month. I hope all is well with you lovely folks and you’re doing your best to stay safe and keep others safe.

I’ve got some poems that are either out now or about to be out in the latest issues of the Hayden’s Ferry Review AND The Michigan Quarterly Review. I’m really excited to have these pieces out in the world, and if you happen to come across them, I hope you enjoy them.

Earlier this week, I had the chance to read with Andrew Najberg and Marilyn Kallett. We had an absolute blast. If you didn’t check it out or did and would just like to revisit it, you can do so below. And make sure to check out other works by these phenomenal people and poets.



We’re officially in March, which means, in America at least, we’re close to hitting the one year mark of when the pandemic began. I’ve been thinking a lot recently about hope, and what all of this (all caps ALL THIS) has done to all of us. Each and every single one of us who will emerge from this time will do so as an altered individual — across the globe. What does that mean? What does that look and feel like?

In any case, I have biz. BIZ, I tells ya! First, word on the street is that I’ll be taking part in an amazing virtual reading. When I have all the deets as well as the go ahead to share them, I’ll post them on here. If you’re interested, mmmmmaybe keep the evening of March 30th free. Just sayin’.

Also, the next Plug open-mic will be at the beginning of April. I look forward to kicking off National Poetry month in communal style. Stay tuned for more info!


Hey Everybody, 

We had our first virtual open-mic of the year this past weekend. It was huge fun. We ended up having SEVENTEEN READERS, which is crazy to me (in a good way). The poems were killer, and the vibe was phenomenal. Make sure to be on the lookout for the next open-mic as well as other plug biz, and if you’d like to stay in the loop in real time, you can do so by doing us here

Oh! And if you want to check out the interview I did with WUTC about the open-mic, you can check it out here: The Poetry Of Love At A Virtual Open Mic | WUTC


Greetings Everybody,

Maybe it’s just me, but it feels like January’s kind of leapt by. Granted, there’s been a year’s worth of things going on in the span of one month, but still. We’re pretty much staring February in the face right now. Hopefully, that means we’re all one step closer (dare I say, one BIG step) closer to being vaccinated. I keep holding that hope in my head and it gives me a little bit of light, but also, more than a little bit of anxiety.

I did an interview yesterday with WUTC’s Scenic Routes. It should air next week (I’ll keep you fine folks posted). Ray and I talked about the upcoming Plug Poetry Project open-mic, a little bit about my work and how I make it, etc.



So… 2021 is certainly off to an interesting start. There’s been a lot to consume, mull over, etc. It’s always interesting to me what happens in the country when we should be having serious conversations about accountability. This shouldn’t be anything new, but in the USA, we have a hard time holding largely white people accountable. It’ll be a ride to see how all of this shakes out.

Switching gears, I’m going to be hosting the year’s first virtual open-mic for The Plug Poetry Project next month! We’ll be getting down on February 6th. You can find the deets AND sign-up here  

I took some time away from writing at the end of last year. Well, at least in terms of writing poems. A few things happened to pull me out of that break, and now I’m back in the swing of things. I have a few pieces that will be appearing in publications over the course of the next few months, so if you’re looking for some new things from yours truly, they’ll be out in the world SOON. Also, just last week, a poem that’s about my fiancée got published in the latest edition of The Atlanta Review.



So, recently, Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian got himself engaged. Obviously, that is a beautiful event, and that beauty has been resonating and working its way through the various communities my fiancée and I are a part of. I’ve been thinking a lot about beauty though, especially what beauty means and how it feels in an era of so much ugly and darkness. I’ve lost two family members in the span of a month. One passed a few hours after I proposed, actually. Needless to say, internally, the energy has been all over the place, and I don’t know if I’ve allowed myself to grieve or even what my grief looks like this far into the pandemic. 

Tangentially related, I got a piece accepted by the Michigan Quarterly Review recently. If things shake out right, it will appear in 2021. You know, this has been one of the best poetry years for me. Recognizing that also feels weird when there has been such an abundance of sadness and pain over the course of the past 12 months. 

We’re standing at the edge of a new year though, and I have hope. I have hope that things will get safer in some important regards. I have hope that things across the board get better, whatever that means. I’d love to hear what you fine folks have hope for in 2021. If you’re so inclined, let me know.


Greetings Folks, 

So, this guy? He JUST so happens to have celebrated a BIRTHDAY recently. Woo! It’s wild to be celebrating during this time in any capacity, let alone a day of birth. This year has been permeated by so much death and loss. I realize how fortunate I am to be here, and I don’t know how much longer I will be. With that in mind, I’ve been trying to be even more appreciative of the moments I’m graced to witness. 

I have some news. Actually, I’ve been sitting on most of it for a while, but now I can share all of it. I had a poem long listed, then shortlisted for a prize. I found out yesterday that I didn’t win, but it’s an absolute honor to have really been in the running, and to have the poem appear in the upcoming issue with the other finalists and winner of the competition. Make sure to be on the lookout for the fall edition of the Atlanta Review to indulge in all the goodness!

This past weekend, I hosted a virtual open-mic for The Plug Poetry Project. It was big fun. I tasked everyone to do at least one Halloweenish poem for their sets, and everybody came through. Such a good time, such wonderful company, and such a tremendous vibe. I’ll keep you folks posted on when the next open-mic will be. Stay tuned, and hopefully, we’ll be able to get you into the mix to rock out with us. Dun, dun, dunnnn. 


What’s the deal, everybody? We’re in my favorite month out of the year. I love the energy of October, pandemic or no, and to celebrate, I’m going to be hosting a virtual open-mic on the 24th. The kicker is that I’ve asked everyone who wants to read for it to do at least one Halloween poem for their set. Dun, dun, dunnnnnn. It’s going to be big fun. This guy? Totally looking forward to it.

If you’re interested in the details or in joining us to read or just hang out in good company, everything you need is here In order to gain access to the room though, you will have to join The Plug FB group though, which you can do here

Also, right after the sixth episode of The Plug docuseries premiered, I had the chance to host a Zoom meeting for most of the participants from all the episodes, and it was beautiful to catch back up with everyone. We cut the cameras off at the end of 2018, so not only touching base two years later, but also, during a global pandemic was something unique. You can check out the conversation we had below, and make sure to watch, like, and share the other episodes of the series! I’m of the mind that more people should be in the know on these beautiful spirits and their work.



Friends, I’m pleased to announce that one of my journeys is coming to an end. On September 20th, I’ll be releasing the final episode of my Plug Poetry Project docuseries. I premiered the first episode on September 20th of last year, so it felt only right to end a year to the day. Every single step of the documentary was an adventure. There was drama, lies, laughs, some tears, a whole bunch of stories, etc., and I hope that all of that has resulted in something that has resonated with you wherever you are.

In the final episode, we feature my poetry kids from 2018. You get to see me do a little bit of teaching, and you’ll get to see a few of them rock out. I really hope you check it out. Also, I would love to talk to you fine folks about the episode and the project at large, if you’re interested. Prior to C19 changing everything, I’d intended to do more in-person screenings where we could dialogue, so it would be nice to have a virtual space to engage.

That biz aside, I received some great news this week that… I can’t tell you about yet. I’m a good news tease, for the time being, but as soon as I get the go ahead, I’ll spill the beans. Hopefully, it’ll be sometime in the near future.


Greetings Everybody, 

We’ve successfully made it past the halfway point of August! Hopefully, you and yours are doing well, staying both healthy and sane and intend on staying that way. I’m STILL buzzing from winning the Grist Journal prize. I feel astronomically blessed that that good news has been a wonderful sustaining note in my life. I have more irons in the fire, too, so hopefully, I’ll have more good news to share before too long. 

Last month, I released the penultimate episode of my Plug Poetry Project docuseries. It features Marsha Mills, aka The Poetic Diva, KB Ballentine. I’ve known both of them for around twenty years, and it was a joy to be able to sit down with them and pick their brains. The documentary provided me the opportunity to connect with a number of people and help tell their stories, and I cannot begin to express how proud I am of how things turned out. With that said… I’ll be releasing the final episode of the docuseries next month. I would like to do it in a format where I can shed some light on the process of making the film, funny stories, etc. You know, the proverbial peak behind the curtain, if you will. 

Also, for next month, we’ll be having another Plug open-mic. I wanted to take some time off this month to focus on my own writing projects, but we’ll be back in the communal saddle in September. Get those poems ready!


Greetings Gang, 

We’re more than midway through July. Madness! Hopefully, you and yours are safe, healthy, and intend to remain that way. We’re living through a moment where the peeps who are supposed to be steering the car and assuring us that things are going to be alright are missing in action, which is terrifying, but it also means that we, the regular folks who get up each morning to make the world work, have to pick up more of the slack for ourselves and the ones we care about. 

So, I have NEWS! This guy found out yesterday he won the 2020 ProForma Contest through Grist Journal! It was a surprise, and I actually wept a little bit when I found out yesterday morning. If you’d like to read all about it, you can do so here:

Last weekend, I hosted the second Plug Poetry Project virtual open-mic, and it was big fun. We had several new faces including someone I went to high school with. I’ve known her for about 20 years, always knew she wrote, but never before did I realize that Saturday was her first time reading poems to OTHER PEOPLE. Like, EVER. That felt huge to witness. I’m excited to arrange the next one. I know I’ve said it before, but poetry has really been one of the godsends that have allowed me to keep my feet on the ground and my sanity relatively intact. 

In other news, I’ve been working on an essay that’s taken me to some interesting places. My junior year of college, I got harassed by my mentor for the majority of the year, and, for the first real time as an adult with all the maturity and life experience I have to apply, I’ve allowed myself to sift through the specifics of what occurred and how that impacted and continues to impact me. It’s been a wild ride, and there are certain things that I’m struggling with, but it’s worthwhile work.  

If you’re reading this, I’d like to know about you. How are you doing? What does your new normal in the midst of all this look like? Tell me all the things!


Greetings Family,

So, I am STILL abuzz from this weekend! I had the great honor of participating in the Black Voices Matter reading on Saturday, and it was epic. There were sixteen readers, and from the beginning, the energy was amazing. If you missed it and/or would like to watch it again, you can do so here  Also, an edited version will be appearing in the near future on Youtube. Options!

I feel astronomically fortunate. In the midst of this pandemic and ever-lingering racial turmoil, poetry has been and continues to be a saving grace. From teaching my online class, bonding with people over the episodes of The Plug docuseries, to the BVM reading, my spirit has consistently managed to be raised, and I’m SO thankful for that.

Speaking of Plug biz, make sure to check out the FOUR episodes of the docuseries I’ve released so far. The next two episodes are going to drop SOON. Also, the next virtual open-mic is going to be on July 11th. You still have time to sign-up to read if you haven’t already done so, but there are a few things to keep in mind before you reach out and request a slot.


Greetings Everybody,

We’re halfway through June. There’s a lot going on everywhere, and my hopes are that you’re staying well, staying safe, and doing whatever you can to stay sane.

There have been a number of things over the past few weeks and months to lift my spirits, and I’m eternally thankful for them. I hosted the first virtual open-mic for The Plug Poetry Project (I’m becoming fairly well-versed in Zoom) earlier this month, and things went so well that we’re going to give it another go. If you’re interested in checking it out, FIRST, you have to join the Plug Facebook group. This is an added measure of protection. Second, you can find the link there on July 11th. If you’d like to sign-up to read, you can do say right now! All of the details are available in The Plug group, too.

Speaking of readings and Zoom, I’m going to be taking part in a Black Voices Matter open-mic this Saturday. You’ll be able to stream it live on Facebook, too. You can get additional deets and check things out here:    

Also, with everything going on, I figured it would be an apt time to release episode 4 of The Plug Poetry Project docuseries. This episode features Arc Twitty, and he delivers a timely, relevant poem to start the episode. You can check out the episode in the Media section, and be sure to give the others the once-over, too.


I’ve started and stopped this update a few times. It’s difficult to know exactly what to say right now. A lot of what I’ve wanted to express, I already have a number of times, so I won’t do that. What I will say is that I’ve had a number of interesting conversations with people about race, justice, privilege, accountability, etc., which I’m always game to discuss. I also feel that it’s extremely important not only to have these conversations in the first place, but also to never stop having them, and then determine what we can collectively do.

If you’re someone who doesn’t have the capacity to protest, but would like to show your support in other ways, I would recommend giving this a look:

Switching gears, we had our first online open-mic with The Plug Poetry Project this past weekend, and it was amazing. Originally, we were going to use Facebook’s rooms feature as a host, but it became apparent to me mmmmaybe six minutes before the start that it didn’t accommodate everyone’s browsers, so I had to audible at the line and switch to Zoom. Things worked out well though, and all of the readers absolutely crushed it. We’re going to give it another go next month on July 11th, so if you’re interested in getting involved and rocking out with us, stay tuned!



I know I haven’t been as active on here as I, historically, have been. Like a good number of you, I’ve been dealing with a range of emotions (and still am) given what we’re collectively going through. I’ve lost a few people in the past month and have come close to losing more, and I had to give that and my own mortality its just due to be processed. In the past two weeks, I’ve had some really open, really interesting conversations where I’ve been able to accurately peg and articulate what I’ve been feeling, thinking, and fearing, and it’s helped A LOT.

With that said, I started the first of a four-part online poetry class last week, and will continue with the second session today.  They’ll be running the next two Tuesdays at 7:10 PM, in case you were wondering. We’re working on discovering different access point for poems, how to incorporate magic into the work, etc. The first two class was big fun (it also marked my first time ever teaching where no one was in the same room). If you’d like to join and rock out with us, you can find all the info out by emailing   

I had a good convo with a friend of mine a few days ago, and we were talking about the class, and I said that one of the pleasant surprises about it was that it changed my energy. I think it provided a much needed and welcomed reprieve everything that’s been so draining. This guy? REALLY looking forward to the next few weeks!

In other news, this year’s Pulitzer winners were announced, and Mr. Jericho Brown took home the award for his latest collection! I’m extremely proud of him, for him, and feel really happy that I was able to bring him to Chattanooga to work with our community. I can’t recommend enough that you go immediately to purchase all his books online. You can thank me later.


Greetings Everyone,

First and foremost, I sincerely hope all of you and yours are doing okay. We’re all navigating through a global disaster, and I think that fact has ratcheted up the stress levels to varying degrees in everybody. Last weekend, the good people at Scenic Trend shot me some questions about the present predicament. You can check out the piece and some other things here  

Today’s the day that we premiere the third episode of The Plug Poetry Project docuseries. I’m so excited for people to check it out. This episode features two of my favorite people and poets living in Chattanooga, and it was a treat to pair them together. Ray laid the foundation for a great number of the things I’ve helmed over the years, and it’s been amazing to watch Moll’s voice emerge. I genuinely feel like she’s a poet the present needs. If you’d like to check the episode out, you can do so here:  

Aside from those things, I’ve been hard at work on my manuscript, and it’s been a beautiful process. Very organic. I’m loving the material that’s emerging, it’s surprising me, making me cry a little bit, etc. The journey has been a long one, but all of it has made me the writer I am now, and hopefully, that’ll translate into not only a book, but a great one. No pressure.

So, I’d like to hear from you guys. What’s bringing you joy these days? What do you desire?



I usually begin or end these updates with my hope that you all are doing well and staying healthy. I hope that’s the case even more now given what’s been rocking the world. We’re living in unprecedented times right now, and it’s certainly put a lot of things into perspective. Hopefully, that’s the case for you fine folks as well.

As far as The Plug Poetry Project is concerned, I had a number of things scheduled for April, which is National Poetry Month. Obviously, those plans, like pretty much everyone’s, have changed now. However, after some thought, I’ve decided on a few changes that will, hopefully, keep you engaged AND participating! You can stay in the loop in the FB group here:

Each year, there’s a 30/30 challenge in April. Basically, the goal is to produce 30 poems in 30 days. It can be a fun and productive challenge. For those of you willing to give it a go, I would LOVE to see some of what you have in here.  

Second, as a good number of you know, The Plug has a six-part docuseries where I had the opportunity to sit down with some of Chattanooga’s most-established and up-and-coming poets. If you missed them, I posted links to the first two episodes earlier. I wanted to do a public screening for episode 3 but have decided to do an online premiere instead! Mark your calendars for April 9th.  

Third, I plan to feature short readings by a few poets I admire. You’ll get to familiarize yourselves with some amazing poets while you’re doing the social distancing thing. 

Lastly, feel free to share some of your favorite poets with us. Feel free to post works that have moved you, works that have lit fires in you, works you wish you’d penned, etc.


What the dealio, folks? There’s certainly a lot of activity going down globally these days. Hopefully, you are all doing well, staying healthy, exhibiting healthy behaviors and choices, etc. I ended up with a case of bronchitis after Jose Olivarez came last month. It had nothing to do with him and is actually quite common. For over ten years, I’ve had a tendency of blowing out my voice after shows. Lots of talking, lots of expression, and lots of strain. I think the tears that I accrue end up letting bacteria in, and the next thing you know, you’re in bronchitis country. I feel good though now. Pretty much back to normal, which is great.

I turned in my NEA application this past weekend. I tried applying once before and just didn’t make it, for some reason, so this is my first official time throwing my hat into the ring. It’s exciting, and I look forward to seeing how things shake out.

I’ve been invited to read for the Amnesty Night event at GPS this Saturday. The young women there have been inviting me for years, and it’s always a treat to see and hear them. Also, The Plug is doing a performance at The Hunter Museum on April 23rd. There’ll be four poets kicking out the poetic jams, and each of our works will be chiming off the latest exhibition at the museum, so that’s exciting.


Friends, “Wow!” is all I have to say. I’m sore from collarbone to sole, but I am utterly elated with how everything went this past weekend for the Plug Poetry Project workshop and reading with Jose Olivarez. He was a dream to have here and work with, and all the feedback I heard was positive.

We had our biggest turnout both for the reading and the workshop, and it was great to see the diversity in bodies, particularly for the latter. I LOVE seeing writers of different ethnicities, ages, genders, etc. interacting and on the same journey in terms of learning and exploration. I felt like a proud papa.

If you’re in or around Chattanooga and would like to scoop up a copy of Jose’s wonderful debut collection (which, you should), the ONLY place you can get it locally is at Star Line Books. Not only does she have copies, but she has some signed ones as well. Haul gluteus and get one or two.

That biz aside, I’m going to be hosting this year’s John Stigall Spoken Word Contest at Chatt. St. this week. I’m really looking forward to it, and it’s an honor to have been asked to do it. I know it sounds cheesy, but the notion that young people are interested in and/or doing anything poetically also makes me very happy.

Well folks, that’s about it for yours truly. Be good, stay well, strive to just be better human beings, and I’ll be back in touch before too long. Artist’s honor.

Jose Flyer.png


Greetings Folks,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been a busy dude. I’ve been pounding the pavement in preparation for Jose Olivarez coming to town, which takes place NEXT WEEKEND! I’m very excited about it, there’s a lot of great energy in the
city around him coming. It’s going to be an amazing time. If you’re interested in coming through, the workshop is FULL, but the reading is still wide open. Hopefully, you and yours will come on out and have a good time with us.

I had the opportunity to speak to a class at UTC about The Plug, and it was big fun. It also allowed me to really process things from top to bottom and articulate some of the hardships, some of the unexpected joys and pains, etc. that have come along since its inception last year, and I’m really grateful for that.

Switching gears, I’ve been tapped to host this year’s John Stigall Spoken Word Contest at Chatt. St. This will be the first time I’ve ever attended the event, let alone sit in the host seat, so I’m excited about it. It’s going to be grand. I can feel it!

In addition to that, I’m grinding out two really big (for me) grant applications. Getting one would be an absolute dream, let alone receiving both. I would be well over the moon if that were to happen. Celebratory drinks would be mandatory, dear friends. Many of them.

That’s it for yours truly right now. Be good, stay warm, and do good things!


Happy New Year! I know I’m late, but better late than never, right? Hopefully, 2020 is treating all of you right thus far. So far, so good on my end, and as always, I have things to discuss!

I am the 2019-2020 winner of the poetry category for the Seven Hills Review. I found out not too long ago, and I was really surprised. I typically apply to things and submit work in bunches and then forget about it for a few reasons – one, because it usually takes a good while before you hear anything back, and, two, to maintain my level of detachment so I’m not disappointed when I get rejected. I’m really humbled about the whole thing, and it’s wild because I almost didn’t apply. I, literally, forced myself to do it on the last day submissions were open. 

Also, you can find some extremely talents writers and yours truly in the latest edition of Quiddity. I’m pretty jazzed about that, and I have a funny tale about cutting the vocal for the audio version of the poem. Feel free to ask about it… if you dare!!! Quiddity is affiliated with NPR, so don’t be surprised if you end up hearing some of the pieces on your local stations in the future. 

Let’s see. Next month, I should have two pieces dropping in the new issue of TIMBER. I’m very excited about having them out in the world, so definitely be on the lookout for those, too. 

Speaking of exciting things, I’m really amped to be bringing Mr. Jose Olivarez to Chattanooga next month! He’ll be rocking out with us doing a free workshop and a featured reading on February 22nd. If you want to do the workshop, just let me know. We’ve already got a few people down to attend, and spots are limited. If you just want to grab a ticket to come to the reading, you can do so here:

That’s all for yours truly right now. Be good, stay comfy and healthy, and I’ll converse with you in the near future.


We’re more than halfway through December. This is the time where robberies… for gifts, the craziest driving you’ll see in a year, long lines in a good number of retail locations, etc., are at their peak, so be careful out there. Stay on those p’s and q’s!

Things have been pretty solid on my end. Pardon me while I just take a second to knock on wood. November was a month that REALLY put me through the ringer, and I’m hoping to be on the other side of the things it introduced me to. Fingers crossed.

I’ve been mapping out what 2020 will look like for me. I have a BUNCH of things in the bag for The Plug Poetry Project. If you’re not already a part of the Facebook group, you should consider joining. If you don’t live in Chattanooga and would like to join, that’s great! The reach of The Plug goes beyond where I happen to lay my head. Most of the information that gets posted in the group is for everyone, regardless of where they live, so keep that in mind. The link to check out the group is here

I’ve been submitting A LOT of work recently for a number of prizes, contests, etc. In addition to that, I’ve been trying to carve out time to edit some things. Revision is something I’ve definitely challenged myself to do in some different ways that open things up I didn’t initially see or intend, so it’s been a fun process.

Well, that’s all for me right now. Be on the lookout for the next episode of The Plug docuseries, coming SOON!


Greetings Everybody,

Welcome to the last month of 2019! Dun, dun, dunnnn. How does it feel? We made it! Well, almost. Nobody wants to celebrate prematurely. In any case, this has been one hell of a year, and I’m sure you probably agree. I would love to hear about what you’re thankful for, what you learned, what you realized, etc. this year. Don’t be afraid to hit me up and enlighten me.

On my side of the coin, I learned a great deal from starting The Plug Poetry Project. I’d like to talk more at length about that in the future, so make sure to keep your eyes on my Blog section. Oh! And while you’re keeping your eyes on things, I’ve posted the first two episodes of the PPP docuseries in my Media section, so you can give them the onceover there. I know I’ve said it many times before, but I truly feel like the docuseries is important work, and not just because I was involved and championed it. Each conversation really takes you somewhere and makes you see the poets, the city of Chattanooga, etc. in a new light, and I think that’s a really beautiful thing. Check out the videos and see what you think.

In other news, I’ll be touching stage this Saturday for the Spiked Café at The Hart Gallery. It’s for Mainx24, which is a 24-hour festival in Chattanooga, and it’s always an adventure. If you’d like to come through and support a good cause while you’re being entertained, the deets are in my Performances section. Give it a look.

Also, I’m VERY excited to announce that I have the next writer who’ll be coming to town to rock out AND teach booked. Go ahead and mark your calendars for February 22nd, because none other than Jose Olivarez will be coming to our fine city! I’ve been a fan of Jose and his work for some time now, and I feel really blessed to be able to bring him here. It’s going to be an amazing time and one you won’t want to miss.

For episode 1 of The Plug Poetry Project docuseries, Christian J. Collier sits down with poets Olivia Bradley and Marcus Ellsworth to discuss their poetry, the role of identity in their lives and their work, and much more. Follow us! Facebook -


November has been a pretty grand month. Well, I sprained my wrist, but aside from that, things have been on the up and up on my end of the coin. I’m REALLY happy to announce that the second episode of my Plug Poetry Project docuseries premieres THIS FRIDAY at 8 PM EST. I sincerely hope you tune-in on your device of choice, and if you’d like to discuss the first two episodes, I’m totally game for that. Making the documentary was an absolute journey, and there are TONS of stories to tell about it. Oh! And if you dig the first two episodes, you should definitely consider liking, subscribing, AND helping us get the word out into the social mediasphere about them. A little bit of help is always appreciated and goes farther than you may think, dear brothers and sisters. You can check the episode out here

In other news, I’m DANGEROUSLY close to finalizing the contract for the next part of The Plug reading series. I’m very excited to bring this writer to town, and it’ll be interesting to see how he’s received. I’ll get more into that once the ink is dry, but just know that February is going to be grand!

Staying with the reading series for a moment, it’s something that I’m astronomically astounded by and inspired to spearhead. It challenges me in different ways, and allows me not only to bring writers I’m personally enriched by, but it allows me to, in a real way, witness the exposure, growth, learning, etc. from my community as they work with each writer and see them in action at the featured reading. I think it also means a great deal to me because no one else here is doing this kind of work with the artists that I am, and I don’t just mean on an individual level. I’m also talking about institutions. Because that’s the case, the series feels more needed, in my most humble of opinions.

I’ve also added another date to my Performances section. It’s going down during Mainx24, which is always an adventure. If you’re out and about on that day, you should come through. The lineup is packed, AND, word on the street is that there’s going to be ALCOHOL! Just sayin’.


We are on the cusp of Halloween, dear brothers and sisters. October is my favorite month, and the early fall just might be my favorite time of the year. I love the energy, the change that begins to occur, etc.

The past month for me has been extremely busy, but in a good way. I brought Jericho Brown to town (A. that rhymes, and B. I suppose I should start referring to him as National Book Award Finalist Jericho Brown.), premiered the first episode of my Plug Poetry Project docuseries in Chattanooga, started submitting MUCH better versions of my chapbook and book-length manuscripts, etc. Keeping up that energy, just this past Friday, I made the first episode of the docuseries available online. If you’d like to check it out (and you know you do!), you can do so above.

You know, I have to say that so far, I’ve been really floored by the response The Plug has been getting. I’ve heard so many super-positive things that have made all the frustration and exhaustion worth it. People have been genuinely touched, and that means the world to me. I’m also extremely thankful for how people have shared the information, attended the events, helped me fill unforeseen gaps, etc. Community is a word that comes up a lot of the time when I sit in meetings, and I have to say that I, myself, have been genuinely touched by the way the community has stood up for me with this work. Pardon me while I get my tissues and weep.

Seriously though, I realize just how stunningly blessed I am. It means the world to have you (yes, YOU!) out there, receiving the work, sharing the work, etc.


Can I just say WOW! Friends, this past weekend was truly an experience for yours truly. A LOT has been happening over the course of the past week (most of it you won’t know about), so the energy was already a bit… interesting. And the energy continued to be interesting when I picked Jericho up from the airport on Friday night. I don’t know if he’s aware of it, or if he’d even believe me, but he truly deeply impacted me and gave me so much to process in my work and in my life.


You know, I would venture to say that he had that same impact on a good number of the people who attended the workshop and reading on Saturday, too. We had people who came from as far out as Atlanta and Nashville, so that in itself is a big deal in my eyes. Also though, something magical happens when Jericho opens his mouth (which, I’m sure, if you’ve ever seen a Youtube video of him or heard him on any of the many podcasts he’s been featured on), and you can something unique overtake the people he’s talking to. I had the great pleasure of seeing this happen during his workshop.


I could go on for ages talking about everything that was incredible, but I won’t. Instead, I’d like to shift gears a bit. Terrance Westfield worked at The Edney Building, where I’ve held the past two events for The Plug. I was notified on Friday that he was in the hospital and not feeling well, and news broke yesterday morning that he actually passed. He was someone connected to a great number of people in the Chattanooga community that a feeling of devastation has permeated in the day that’s followed. I didn’t know Terrance (or TK) all that well. Our interactions were largely brief and business-related, but I am truly sad to hear about his passing and to see how it’s affecting everyone.




Man oh man, is Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian happy. Tired (what else is new), but happy. The premiere of the first episode of The Plug Poetry Project docuseries went extremely well. I was really nervous, but things shook out right, and I literally got to see and hear people connect with the film. Such an amazing feeling.

Episode one will be available online in the near future, so you can (and should… just sayin’) check it out when you get the chance. And definitely share it. It’s a big world out there, and I’d like to comb more of it in this manner.

Also, if you’re interested in staying in the loop on the goings on regarding The Plug, you should join the FB group. I’ll be posting all kinds of things there, so if you’d like to stay in the know, that’s one easy way to make that happen.

Slightly switching gears, JERICHO BROWN is coming to Chattanooga! I’m super excited to be hosting him, and I’m very eager to have people come to check him out. He’ll be doing a free workshop from 12-2 and doing a featured reading starting at 6:30 on October 5th. If you’d like to attend the reading, you can grab a free ticket here:

If you’d like to do the workshop, let me know ASAP. Spots are limited and are filling up fast.

Plug Premiere.jpg


Greetings Folks,

Things have been WILD for Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian lately. I’ve been dealing with a range of emotions and, most recently, trying to successfully manage my anxiety. Why, you very well could be inquiring? Well, I’ll tell you. Let’s jump in.

First, I’m going to be debuting the first episode of my docuseries on Chattanooga’s poetry scene. Making the episodes was an immense emotional experience, so finally being able to share the work with the world is another tier of that. Also, I just want everything to run smoothly. I want the film to play, the audio to work, etc. You know, all of the fundamental, but key parts. I think I say that because the last time I was going to premiere a film, I did so at the downtown library in Chattanooga using their equipment, and it was a nightmare. I want to do everything humanly and supernaturally necessary to make sure that that never happens again.

Oh! And if you’d like to attend the premiere and subtly watch me sweat, you can RSVP here:

Aside from that, I’ve partnered with the AMAZING people of RISE Chattanooga once again, and this time we’re bringing Jericho Brown to town! I’m so excited about it all. It’s a wonderful opportunity for the writers here to be able to work with him, and to do so for FREE. It’s also a really cool chance to experience his work in our own backyard. Accessibility is a vital and beautiful thing, and I’m very pleased that we’ve been able to make this happen. You can also RSVP for this one at the following link, and if you’re interested in taking part in the workshop, let me know ASAP. I have limited spots open.

In other news, I’ve been in revision and editing mode HARDCORE. I’ve had a chapbook manuscript that I’ve been shopping around for a few years now, and, in lieu of the time I spent this summer in New Hampshire, I see the work in a totally different way, so I tore the work apart and put it back together again, and it’s MUCH better and tighter now. I plan to submit it for the Cave Canem chapbook competition and see what happens, but, at this particular moment in time, I just mmmmmmight be happy with the thing from top to bottom. That can (and will) change in a matter of minutes though. You’ve gotta love being an artist.


Friends, for over a year, I’ve been working on a documentary. It has been an absolute adventure. It’s a six-part docuseries which delves into some of Chattanooga’s best, most renowned and emerging poets who’ve had a hand in making the poetry scene what it is today and I am extremely excited to say that, if you’re reading this, you’re cordially invited to the premiere of the first episode!

I’m going to show it on Friday, September 20th at 6PM on the 5th floor of The Edney Building. It’s 100% free. All you have to do is bring yourselves down and enjoy. Following the premiere, there’ll be a q&a where, if you’re interested, you can learn a little more about the featured poets, the series, the making of the project, etc. If you’d like to let me know that you’re coming, you can do so here:


Friends, Your Friendly Neighborhod Xtian is a happy, happy man. This past weekend, I listed a bunch of heavy things and my body feels fine (take that, aging!), I saved a baby from falling down seventeen stairs, AND we had the showcase for my MANIFEST Voices students. All of it was full of win, but I cannot begin to properly tell you just how proud I am of my kids. However, I will attempt to do so in my blog section. Check it out!

Actually, speaking of Voices, two of the kids and yours truly will be on WUTC 88.1 with Richard Winham on August 14th. You should tune in. We go live at 7 PM, and if you don’t live in Chattanooga, you can stream it live at WUTC’s website at     

In other news, I am also VERY proud to say that my documentary is rapidly approaching the finish line. If you lovely people only knew how much has gone into bringing this thing to fruition! I’m immensely happy with how everything looks, sounds, etc. Each episode moves me in a different way and gives me something to think about, laugh about, question, etc., and I cannot wait for them to do the same to you. Stay tuned! Premiere biz and such will be coming down the pipeline in the near future.



Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is a changed man, dear family. I had the great honor of attending the Conference on Poetry in New Hampshire last week, and as clichéd as it sounds, it truly was a transformative experience. Not only did I acquire tools to make me a more adept writer, but I also had the chance to do some soul work. Also, being kind of secluded in nature provided some time to step out of my life in the South and see certain things under a different lens. I learned a great deal about myself, my struggles, my priorities, etc., and I’m SO grateful for that.

Now that I’m back, I’m gearing up for the showcase for this year’s MANIFEST Voices participants. If you’d like to show your support, you can peep the details in my Performances section. It’s wild to think that this will mark the end of four years, and it’s been an absolute dream and an annual adventure. I have some special things up my sleeve for this go round, too. Dun, dun, dunnnn!


Hey, everybody. Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been BUSY, BUSY, BUSY. I’m really happy about what that level of activity has produced though. Actually, I’d like to jump into what’s been taking place.

So, I’ve been working on a documentary for, what feels like, forever. This process has been educational, stressful, nearly lawsuit-inducing, etc., but I’m VERY happy to say that we’re dangerously close to rolling everything out. It’s a docu-series, so there’ll be about 6 episodes for you to check out in the near future, and I’m proud and excited for all of you lovely people to do so, if you’re so inclined. Make sure to stay tuned for info regarding a premiere as well as when the episodes hit online.

Also, I’m gearing up to venture to New Hampshire for this year’s Conference on Poetry. I’m really jazzed about it as well as having the opportunity to study with Tyree Daye and Gabrielle Calvocoressi. A lot of this year has been an absolute dream, and we’re only halfway through it. I cannot fathom what the rest of 2019 holds for yours truly.


A few hours after I return from NH, I’ll be touching the stage (which I seldom do in Chattanooga) at the Camp House. Poet Ashlee Haze will be rocking out, and I’ve been tapped to deliver some words and such for the occasion. It’s going to be a fun time. You can find the details and ticket info in my Performances section.

In addition to that, my MANIFEST Voices summer program is up and running. I think, based on the first two weeks we’ve linked up and rocked out, this could be my most challenging class. Half the attendees were with me last year while the other half are brand new to poetry. Like, JUST discovering what metaphors, similes, etc. are. Bridging the gap between the two is forcing me to reevaluate how to teach as well as what to teach, and I don’t see that as a bad thing. It’s just a thing, and I know that it’s building muscles that I haven’t had to utilize in a workshop setting


So, the 25th of May is a pretty special day to yours truly. As, I’m sure, some of you know, that date, way back when in the year 2001, was when I jumped on a microphone to spit a poem for an actual audience for the first time.  When I was done, I was a changed man… or boy… or young man. That sounds more accurate.

I’ve started celebrating each May 25th like a second birthday for the past however many years now, and it’s been great. It reminds me of all the things that poetry has brought into my life, all the people and places it’s taken me to, and it keeps me in awe and humble about the journey.

Speaking of journeys, I’ve been put through my paces in a number of ways the last few weeks. I’ve been working on a project that, due to someone else’s actions (or, more accurately, lack thereof) has forced me to be resourceful in a way that I didn’t account for. Since I’ve been going through it, I’ve been coming into contact with articles, interviews, quotes, etc. that have really made me pause, process, and choose to buck against my initial instinct to go HAM (do the kids still say that?) to rectify the situation. It’s been a really fascinating, sometimes tedious, and, at the end of the day, needed exercise. I’ve been trying to be more mindful of what I devote my time, energy, and attention to, and this definitely falls into that consideration. I don’t want to hitch myself and my energy to craziness or drama, so the end goal for this particular project has remained very much in view.


Greetings Family,

I’m not sure where you all are, but if you’re anywhere around The Scenic City, you know that it is ROASTING outside. Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been dealing with an upper respiratory infection, but aside from that, things are pretty good.

The deadline for this year’s MANIFEST Voices workshop is rapidly approaching. The 26th of this month is the last day to apply. I’m excited to work my way through this year’s applications, so if you’ve yet to do so or know someone who’s expressed interest in applying and hasn’t already done so, get on it! We’re accepting submissions at

Speaking of the Voices program, I had the great honor this weekend to attend the graduation of one of my students. I’m not the biggest fan of graduations, truth be told, but being there to take part in someone’s accomplishment is SUCH a big deal. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I’m super proud of her and I’m excited for where this life will take her to. This guy? Feels like a proud papa bear.

In other news, the past few weeks have brought a number of things into view that have raised my blood pressure and triggered my anxiety. I’ve been working my way through them in, hopefully, a healthy fashion. One of the things I’ve been working on over the years is not to allow a moment’s aggravation to lead me to make decisions based on emotion. So, the past couple of weeks have allowed me to put my practice into action and channel those feelings into more productive spaces. Hopefully, that’ll continue, and the near future will be absolutely killer. I know that’s vague, but I don’t want to bore with the tedium that’s recently occupied my life.



Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is a happy man, and it feels downright amazing to be able to say that. Pardon me while I go knock on wood so as not to jinx myself. Not only did I avoid all the spoilers for the latest Avengers movie (which is great, by the way, and if you’d like to discuss it, we totally can), but I’ve had some really grand things happening in my life and work.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to catch one of my biggest inspirations growing up. Mr. Tom Morello is in my top 5 as far as guitarists go, and at the beginning of his Atlas Underground show, these really phenomenal images appear on a screen. Most of them are black and white, and I thought that they not only did an excellent job of establishing a mood, but also a message. That message has been the same since the early 90’s, and I thought that that was such an interesting, refreshing thing to witness. You know, commitment. Commitment to a cause, and a purpose. It was something that I needed to encounter, especially as I’m undertaking a project that, at its core, has a heart and seeks to do some legitimate good.

Switching gears, I’ve been given a REALLY phenomenal opportunity, and if everything shakes out right, I’ll be taking a few flights to do something truly grand. When I got the initial news a little while back, I had to fight back tears. I don’t want to sound hokey or anything, but so much of the work we do as artists, curators, facilitators, etc. in arts and culture goes completely unnoticed. We do what we do because we recognize the need, value, etc. and because it’s within us. So, whenever someone recognizes our work or worth, it’s a big thing. A big, big, big thing, and I found myself genuinely humbled.

Speaking of humbled, as you SHOULD know, I’m gearing up for my FOURTH YEAR of running my summer poetry workshop, and one of last year’s students recently went on the radio and spoke about how I had changed her life by working with her. How do you beat that, dear friends? It made me feel really good to receive my flowers while I’m still alive to smell them, so to speak, but I also felt so infinitely thankful for this path that has chosen me.

Lastly, I feel like I’m kind of at a place of rediscovery and reevaluation in my life. I realize that a number of the things that I’ve been doing or asked to do aren’t really conducive to me moving forward. I expend a lot of energy on the things that I’m adamant about, and, most of the time, I’m not the only one involved, so the balance is way off and I end up doing the bulk of the heavy lifting. I can’t continue to get down like that, because not only is it not fair, but it detracts from my energy and exploration into things that I could just do in a solo capacity. So, we shall see how things shake out, but I’m definitely excited to see where I land.


Greetings dear friends and fam,

Man! Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is a happy man. Actually, scratch that. Your boy is straight-up ECSTATIC! This past weekend, we launched my new baby, The Plug Poetry Project, and we did so by bringing award-winning poet Julian Randall to town. He workshopped with ten participants and then did an AMAZING reading with Olivia Bradley on Saturday. Julian’s presence here (and I’m not embellishing in the least) brought so much to the table for the people who came out. They got challenged, supported, nurtured, etc., and it was truly a beautiful and inspiring thing to witness. It also made me feel that putting my energy and resources behind this whole thing is worthwhile.


For some time now, I’ve wondered about the city and how seriously it takes the art we make. I’ve seen artists do a number of phenomenal things in terms of events, programs, etc. for diminishing returns. Honestly, I think that has taken a toll on a great number of us here. I hope that this changes that because what we’re doing is not only bringing something cool to see to the city, but something that absolutely WILL have a benefit for the people here… if they choose to get onboard. Well, get onboard and stay there.

In any case, I feel really excited about how things went this go round AND for the potential moving forward. We already have our second writer booked, and the quality will absolutely, positively not drop in the slightest. Mua ha ha!!! You might want to go ahead and keep October 5th open. Just sayin’.


In other news, I’m currently taking application for my summer poetry program. This marks my fourth year running it, which is wild. The time has truly flown by. If you know a teenager between the ages of 13-18 who’d be interested in rocking out and learning with yours truly, tell them to apply by May 26th at

Lastly, I’m hosting an open-mic THIS FRIDAY NIGHT! You should come through. I’ll be there to start sign-ups at 8 PM, and we’ll get rolling around 8:30. It’s going to be a good time. You can find the deets in my Performances section.


What’s shaking, family? Hopefully, your National Poetry Month is treating you well and you’re reading and writing some incredible things. I actually can’t believe that this is my first post of the month. In any case, things have been pretty grand on my end. I’ve banged out some stuff that I’m pretty happy about so far this month, AND I’ve been pounding the pavement and preaching the gospel to get people interested in the activities taking place on April 20th. If you weren’t aware, I’m bringing Mr. Julian Randall to town for a workshop and a reading that day, and both are absolutely, positively, 100% FREE for people to attend. I’ve been encouraging peeps to bring some money if they’re coming to the reading though. That way, they can not only take a copy of Julian’s incredible debut collection home with them, but they also can have him sign it for them. How about that? Oh! Also, I only have about 4 or 5 slots open for the workshop, so if you’d like to participate, make sure to contact me ASAP!

Switching gears, the good people at Chronically Lit published TWO of my poems recently. If you’re so inclined, you can check them out here:   



So, Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is VERY happy to announce something. If you’ve been following this little website of mine  for any fairly significant amount of time, you’ll know that I’ve been itching been to tell you good people about the things that I’ve been up to. Well… that time is now – at least for some things. Next month, on April 20th, I’m bringing award-winning poet Julian Randall to Chattanooga for a FREE (yes, FREE) workshop AND a featured reading! How grand is that? If you’re not familiar with Julian, here’s a bit about him: Julian Randall is a living queer Black poet from Chicago. His first book, Refuse (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018), is the winner of the Cave Canem Poetry Prize.

Julian's Flyer.jpg

If you’re interested or know someone who might be in participating in the workshop, contact me ASAP. I have a limited number of open slots, and they’re filling up fast.

Also, if you would like to do the Facebook thing and let us know that you’re attending, you can do so here: Plus, I will absolutely love and appreciate it if you helped me get the word out.

Chiming off that, this is the official launch of my new venture, which is called The Plug Poetry Project. I’ve been laying the groundwork for everything over the course of the past year, and I’m really jazzed to finally be able to let the cat out of the bag. Stay tuned for new updates (more cool stuff is coming down the pipeline SOON).


Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is a happy man. This past weekend, I had the opportunity to support the students of GPS and McCallie again for their Amnesty Club’s Poetry for the People event. As always, it was a great time, and definitely inspiring to witness young people participating in the act of sharing poetry. How grand is that? It made me think back to when I first started reading out at 17. I was always the youngest person to show up at places, so to see a roomful of teenagers reading things that they either wrote or were by someone else is just plain amazing to me on a personal scale.

In other news, I’ve been hard at work on some things that will be seeing the light very, very soon. I know I’ve been saying that for some time, but I assure you that the wait is going to be worthwhile. You will be pleased! I guarantee satisfaction, dear brothers and sisters.


Greetings folks,

We’ve broken into a brand new month. March is upon us. Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is going to do something that he hasn’t done in… years this month. What’s that you ask? Well, I’ll tell you. This guy? He’s going on VACATION! Now, I’m terrible at having downtime, so I’m probably going to work on something while on the vacay, but still. It’s something.

Also, I’ll be rolling out some cool things this month. Stay tuned! I’m extremely excited to get the news out there, and for you lovely folks to receive it. Huzzah!

I’ve added yet another live date for this year. The performance is next week, and is for a great cause. If you’re in the area and interested in poetry and/or helping young people, you should consider coming out.


Things have been rolling on yours truly’s end, dear brothers and sisters. Recently, I recorded my entry into this year’s Miller Audio Prize competition that’s put on by The Missouri Review. I’ve submitted for it a number of times over the years, and I figured I’d do something a bit different this go round. For those of you that don’t know, I started producing music in 2002 and have made a pretty solid range of music that’s run the spectrum stylistically for others and myself since then. I thought that it would be a good idea to not only showcase what I can do musically to enhance the text, but to also do something that provides a narrative. I’m really satisfied with how it turned out, and at some point this fine year, the results will come in. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

That aside, I took part in a program just last night about activism. I really enjoyed hearing from different members of the activism community in town and how we advocate for each other and the causes we’re passionate about. I didn’t have much time with my small group, but what I tried to impart to them was that activism really boils down to figuring out what moves you, deciding what you want to do/can do, and committing from there. Those tend to be the core steps to the dance, in my most humble of opinions. 


Greetings! Welcome to February. Black History Month, the month of love and overpriced trinkets to show someone that you care about them, etc. All the things! Twenty years ago this month, I went to the Bahamas on a high school trip, almost got stranded there, and, the night I returned home, watched Event Horizon (which is a classic, by the way) for the first time. Ah, memories.

Anyway, hopefully the beginning of this year has been grand for you and yours. It certainly hasn’t been too shabby for yours truly. As usual, I’ve been hard at work on a number of things, and I am immensely excited to tackle each and every single one of them (how often can anyone say that?). I’ve been pushing the pen and computer keys to bang out another full-length manuscript and working on some cool (in my most humble of opinions) programs for my neck of the woods and myself. Plus, you know, all the other things.

So, just yesterday, I received my contributor’s copy of the latest edition of Welter Journal. It looks beautiful, and it’s really an honor to have had them accept my poem to run in it. You can check out the good work everyone who put it together is up to at The University of Baltimore here

Also yesterday (it really was a gift from the poetry deities), my interview with Dr. Richard Jackson for the Meacham Writers’ Workshop went live. We recorded it in November, and I’m really happy about how it shook out after seeing the finished product. Honestly, I was REALLY tired that morning, and when I left to return to my car, I wasn’t quite sure if I made any sense in what I said. I did alright in terms of being coherent, it turns out. Huzzah! You can check it out here



If you’re reading this, CONGRATS! You (yes, YOU) SURVIVED 2018! And now we’re here, living at the dawn of another year. I think 2019 is going to be an interesting year (really though, what year isn’t?), and, for me, one of growth. I have some AMAZING things lined up that are going to be coming to fruition this year, and I’m extremely excited to unveil them all to you when the time is right (which shouldn’t be too long down the line). I hope that you fine folks stay tuned. You’ll approve of what I’ve been cooking up in the kitchen.

Switching gears, one of my goals for 2019 is to get more work submitted, and, hopefully, accepted to be put out into the world. I did a solid job of that last year, and I want to not only keep the momentum going, but to up the ante. With that said, I’m proud to announce that my first two pieces of the year have been accepted. They’re from a new collection that I’m working on, so that’s personally pretty cool. When the pieces run, I’ll do my best to keep you abreast of when and where you can read them. Poet’s honor. Oh! In the interim, you should check out what the good people at Chronically Lit (who accepted my poems) are doing. You can find them at


Greetings, family. We’re at the time of the year where driving is typically atrocious, and people pretend to be kinder creatures than they really are. Also, it’s the time of year where other things tend to wind down. That’s not exactly the case for me, but it is true in certain aspects. One such arena where that holds true is on the performance front. I had my last public showing on a stage this past weekend, and it was a really good time.

I had the chance to rock out for my friend Butch Ross’ Xmas Extravaganza show, and it was a bit surreal. I shared the bill with a number of people I came to know in 2009 when I embarked on my Forced Exposure Tour. Over the years, life has taken us in a number of directions. This weekend was my first time seeing some of those people in years, and the whole thing was a reminder of not only how much I’ve missed some of their company, but also of how immensely talented the cast of performers truly are. What an absolute honor.

You know, I made the decision for the past two years to take a step back from hitting as many stages as I’ve averaged since 2009 to focus on some other things. You know, diversifying the palette, so to speak. I’ve put a good amount of energy into creating programs, pursuing different projects, and writing and submitting things for publication. As we’re staring at the end of 2018, I’m really proud of all the poems that found homes outside of mine this year, and those that have already been accepted for publication in 2019. One of my goals for some time now has been to have at least one book out into the world, and I’ve been putting in the work to make that a reality. I legitimately feel like I’m on the right path and that that will happen before too terribly long. This guy? On the optimistic side of the coin.


What’s good, family? Hopefully, you’re all fighting off colds successfully, sufficiently bundled-up if need be, and not battling your fellow man out in these streets for toys and deals and such. We’re officially six days into the last month of 2018. I’m not sure if any of you can relate to this, but I feel like a lot has happened this year (both personally and beyond), and, at the same time, that it hasn’t. Gotta love paradox.

The good people at Apogee Journal JUST published their latest issue, and Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian happens to have a piece inside it. They do such amazing work, and it’s truly an honor to be included. You can check out the issue and all that they do here:

Chiming off that, I updated my Media page. You can now easily find a good number of my published works as well as some other new things. Check it out!

In other news, I had the chance to participate in the GPS Amnesty night poetry reading. I believe I’ve participated in all of them, actually, so the fact that the streak continues feels great. It was a wonderful time, and it made me feel really proud to hear the kids reading poems from some of my favorites, such as Ada Limon.

Also, this past Saturday, I ended up caching a last minute performance for this year’s Mainx24, which is a 24-hour festival. This was the first year in a while where I didn’t do my Speakeasy Revue, and it felt good to just be able to rock out, be appreciated, not have to worry about lugging equipment around (in the rain, no less), etc. Honestly though, I’ve been thinking a good bit about last year’s Mainx24 where my poetry students and I had to endure a man going crazy during our scheduled performance, and it made me feel angry all over again. I wasn’t just angry that that happened, but that people I’d considered good acquaintances and partners defended his insanity (he pushed a spectator, threatened to throw a stink bomb and clear our event out, and go in my face, cursed me out and put his hands on me), but accused me of “spreading hate” online by telling the truth about what happened on social media. I recently told a good friend of mine that we’re living in an era now where you can easily find encouragement to tell and live your own truth unless that truth happens to be about someone or something else that people close to you like. Then, they want you to swallow it or fill your mouth with silence. Who has time for that? If that’s the way people genuinely feel and want/expect you to operate, they’re not your people, advocates, fans, friends, etc., and, really, they probably never were nor will ever be.


Greetings Everybody,

We’re almost midway through November. Already! Time – she flies! Things have been pretty solid on my end, and I sincerely hope that you can say the same on yours. Allow me to jump into what’s been going down with Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian.

First, the good people at Welter have accepted one of my poems for publication in their next issue. If memory serves, I wrote the particular piece that they’ve taken in November of last year, and it not only features an epigraph from a Mobb Deep song, but also boasts a cameo from someone who used to work at my favorite bar. Beyond that though, what’s especially wild to me is that this piece and a number of others that were written for my latest chapbook manuscript have been finding homes. The poems are really heavy animals and deal with race, and the fact that people are willing to allow them to live in other spaces given the fact that race is something we often don’t really talk about, but talk around, feels amazing.

Chiming off of that, you should check out my BRAND NEW BLOG (it’s been some time since I’ve been able to say that). In it, I talk about something that happened last week that deals with race, culture, and our understanding (and lack thereof) when it comes to the two.

Switching gears, I believe I let the cat out of the bag a few months back. If so, then consider this old hat. However, if I didn’t, then you can consider this to be NEWS! I was awarded a grant to do a project by the fine folks at Artsbuild, and I’ve spent the bulk of this year working on a documentary. I’m very happy to say that we’re close to getting things where they need to be. I’m currently combing through footage, and since we’re going to release everything episodically, we should have, at least, an episode or two ready to go before the big ball drops and closes out 2018. Stay tuned! I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for you to see and experience everything. This has been a tremendous learning opportunity and has taught me a lot about myself as well as my capacity for patience, accountability, communication, etc.


Greetings, ladies and gents. It’s fitting that I’m writing on Halloween. Mua ha ha!!! I always feel a little bit bummed after Halloween passes. The fun vibe for the rest of the year kinda disappears, but it is what it is.

That bit of confession aside, things are pretty solid on my end of the coin. I wrapped up this fall’s Meacham workshop, and for the second consecutive year, it was great fun. Not only did I have a good time having the chance to get to know and talk shop with other writers and students, but I had the chance to try out something new teaching-wise and soak up SO MUCH inspiration. Also, randomly, I passed by Terrell Owens on the last day and he said “Hey” to me. How about that?

Switching gears, I’ve had a number of pieces accepted for publication recently. One gave me the opportunity to add artwork to coincide with my poem, and I decided to reach out to Anna Carll, who is an artist and person that I really enjoy and respect. She graciously allowed me to send in one of her works, so I should be able to link you to the journal in the near future so you can see how everything shapes up. I’m really jazzed about seeing it, myself. In the interim, if you’d like to get familiar with Anna and her work, you can do so here:


Hola, family. As I write this, Hurricane Michael is in full effect, so I sincerely hope that everybody is safe and sound.

One of my newest poems was published this week by Vagabond City for their latest issue. It’s certainly interesting to have this particular one out in the world. I believe I’ve mentioned it on here before, but I’ve been working on a series of poems that actively addresses depression, trauma, etc. in a way that I haven’t before. If you’re so inclined, you can peep the poems here  and if you do decide to check it out, I encourage you to also peep the other works, too.

Switching gears, I’m really excited for the next few weeks. We’re going to be completing phase one of an incredible project, and beginning stage 2, so I’m definitely looking forward to the transition. Huzzah!


Greetings Ladies & Gents. It feels great to be broadcasting from the beginning of my favorite month out of the whole year. There’s just something about October. What can I say? Birthdays, changing leaves, Halloween, never-ending pasta. Ah, man. Breathe it in!

Things have been rolling on my end. After having a piece accepted by Apogee Journal, I decided to revisit the manuscript that it came from. I tore pretty much everything apart, and then rewrote most of the pieces from the top down. I think the whole thing works WAY better now, and as a result, I’ve been shipping it out for consideration anew. We shall see what everyone else thinks. Maybe, just mmmmmaybe, that bad boy will find a home independent of my hard drive.

Chiming off that, I JUST had a piece accepted by the good people at Vagabond City Poetry. If I’m not mistaken, the issue it appears in will be popping up this week. As always, I will keep you guys posted.

I’ve been grinding to finish a special project, too. Things look good right now, so if everything bodes well, phase 1 will be knocked out right before my birthday. Dun, dun, dunnnn.

Also, I’m really looking forward to being back in the fold for the Meacham workshop later this month. I had an absolute blast last year and feel honored to be invited back. If you’re free on the 26th, I’ll be reading around noon at UTC. I updated the venue location, so if you were wondering where the festivities would be taking place, I’ve got you covered, son. Stay tuned for more deets!

Lastly, I was reminded earlier in the week that it has officially been five years since I received the physical copies of my debut EP Between Beauty & Bedlam. Making and releasing that project into the world was truly a special feat for me. With that said (and I realize that the world has largely begun actively moving away from CDs), from now until the end of 2018, if you’d like the digital version of the record, you can get it from me for $5. All you have to do is hit me up via the Contact Me form on here, and I’ll walk you through the steps of the dance. Easy!


 Greetings, good people, and welcome to fall! Life has been pretty… interesting on Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian’s end. There’s been a good bit of anger and frustration permeating my day to day, BUT, in the midst of that, I’ve received some amazing reminders of just how loved, fortunate, and downright blessed I am. One of the recent things that really humbled me was that the phenomenal people at Breakwater Review nominated me for the 2018 Best of the Net Anthology. Honestly, I didn’t see it coming (I’m not sure if anyone really does), and as the cliché states, it really and truly is an honor to be nominated. To have someone see the value in your work enough to choose on their own accord to pass it on to others is a beautiful thing, brothers and sisters. I’m also elated to be nominated with the other writers. I strongly encourage you to check out what Breakwater has going on here:  

That bit of beautiful biz aside, if you’re in or around Chattanooga, you should check out YA-hoo Fest, which takes place on the 29th of this month. The event is a celebration of young adult literature, and you can find more info about it all here:

In addition to that, the schedule for Meacham is up now. I’ll be reading the day after my birthday, so that’s pretty sweet. You can find the schedule at: I’ll be at everything, so I hope to some of your beautiful faces in attendance as well.



Brothers and sisters, I hope everyone who is in the path or close enough to be impacted by the hurricanes is taking every precaution and doing all that they can to be safe. Hurricanes are no joke. I used to live in Florida, and it was common to see people operate with a very whimsical outlook when it came to them, but when you think of the devastation caused by Andrew, Sandy, Katrina, Maria, and more, prioritizing safety shouldn’t even be up for debate. Those are my two cents because I care, and with that, I am now officially off my soapbox.

Moving on to other biz, Your Friendly Neighborhood Christian recently had a piece accepted by Apogee Journal. I’m pretty thrilled about that. Apogee has been on my list of places where I’d love to see my work appear, and now that appears to be coming to fruition. I’ll keep you fine folks posted on when you can get your eyes on the work.

I’ve been reading a good bit lately, which is something that I don’t find myself getting to do as much as I once did, but I’ve definitely enjoyed my return. If you’re a poetry lover and reader (hopefully, both are true for you!), I would recommend both books by Jericho Brown as well as “Black Aperture” by Matt Rasmussen. Amazing things await you if you so choose to take my suggestions (and why wouldn’t you?).

Well, that’s it for yours truly right now. Be good, stay dry, and definitely don’t be strangers!


Greetings Brothers & Sisters,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian recently visited the Left Coast and explored Los Angeles. It was a really beautiful excursion. While there, I had the opportunity to check out one of the branches of MOCA, and a number of the works are, a week later, talking to me. It’s one of my absolute favorite things in the world to encounter a piece of art, be it an album, a collection of photographs, a dancer’s performance, etc. and not only be awed by it, but have it continue to have its way with you. Ah! I’m really looking forward to truly witnessing how those works change me, because I am of the belief that everything we experience does.

In other news, I’ve received some really cool information. First, one of my students, Brynija, who participated in the first two years of my MANIFEST Voices program, recently competed in her second year of the Poetry vs. Hip-Hop show. Friends, I cannot express to you how elated I am to report that none only did she win her bout last year, but she did the same dang thing THIS YEAR! Not only that, I think she gave her best performance that I’ve seen to date. This guy? Uber proud.

Also, another one of my students from last year and this year recently had a poem published! Huzzah! I believe it is her very first publication to her name (don’t quote me on that), but if you’re interested (and why wouldn’t you be?), you can peep her poem here:

Chiming off that, I’ve been working on a few things that have really been speaking to my spirit. One of which is a series of poems that I feel like I kind of stumbled into writing. They’re dealing with healing, trauma, therapy, depression, etc., and, as a result of penning these things, they’ve sparked me to have some pretty interesting conversations with people and tell more of my truth. I think the latter was definitely one of the things I sought to do at the beginning of the year, so it feels both nice and fated that this would be where I was at only a matter of months later.

Well, that’s about it for moi for now. Be good, find something that sets your soul aglow, document it (because that’s the thing to do these days), and don’t be strangers! I’ll be back in touch before too long. I promise.


Greetings Gang,

You probably have noticed by now, but it’s August. AUGUST! Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian has been an extremely busy man, but he’s also immensely grateful and happy, too (and a little under the weather at the moment). Let’s jump into things!

My poetry students absolutely DID THEIR THING at their showcase. I could not have been prouder of them. They all stepped up to the plate, quelled their nerves, exhibited great poise, and owned the stage. I felt like a proud dad watching it all go down. It’s crazy for me to think that not only was this the end of my third straight year of teaching the workshop, but that the idea for it came to me in an Uber in Boston. What an absolute blessing this experience has been, brothers and sisters.

Photo Jul 28, 6 15 14 PM.jpg


While we’re on the topic of blessings, I performed a few pieces last Sunday for Christ Unity’s service. This was my third time doing poems for their service (as fate would have it, it’s always in the month of August, too), and as always, it was a treat for me. I read “Good Bones” by Maggie Smith and my poem An Invocation. I felt both were pretty relevant given the world we live in these days.

That’s about it for me right now. I hope all is well on your ends. Be good, stay hydrated, and I’ll be back in touch before too long. PEACE!!!


Greetings Boys & Girls,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is riding a good wave, and I hope you can say the same. Last week was a busy one, but it was the good kind of busy and yielded some amazing results. Things culminated with my Pecha Kucha presentation last Friday. I talked about my journey in trying to help others discover and cultivate their own voices and bring some of their own dreams to fruition. I think it went well.

In other news, I had my penultimate workshop session with my MANIFEST Voices students yesterday. They’re getting there! By the 28th, they’ll be poetry machines ready to poem your faces off and make you like it. How’s that for a hook? Seriously though, I’m very proud of them and the work they’ve put in thus far. I’m also immensely happy to have them as a part of my growing MANIFEST family.

That’s about all I’ve got for now, brothers and sisters. Be good, stay cool, read and enjoy Jericho Brown (really, how could you not do the latter?), and I’ll be in touch before too long. Poet’s honor.


What’s good, family? Hopefully, you’re not melting from the apparent heat wave that has taken over the country or been washed away by the numerous hard rains that have rocked certain parts of the country. If you have met your demise from either one of those, you have my condolences. Anyway, A LOT has been transpiring on my end, and I’m extremely jazzed to tell you about it. Let’s jump in!

First, Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian is rapidly reaching the finish line with this year’s MANIFEST Voices students. The kids are great, and I’m whipping them into shape for their showcase, which will be on July 28th at The Arts Building. It’s absolutely FREE (promosexuals, rejoice!) and if you’re reading this, consider yourself invited to attend. I’ve said from the first year of the program that it means so much more to the kids (even if they don’t immediately recognize or appreciate it) when people who don’t know them or owe them anything show up to show their support and that what they’re doing matters. So, if you’d like to make a difference in the lives of seven incredibly talented teens, come on out around 5:30. Seats are limited!

Next, THIS FRIDAY, I’ll be a speaker for the latest Pecha Kucha in Chattanooga. Things get underway at 6, and I also believe that it is free (once again, promosexuals, get your rejoice on!). There’ll be 8-12 speakers for the evening (each of our talks is a max of 6 minutes and change), and I’m excited to see how things go. It’s been a while since I’ve attended a Pecha Kucha, and this will actually be my first one as a presenter, so I’m looking forward to it.

In other news, I’m hard at work on a project that has challenged me across the board. It’s frustrated me, forced me to consider and learn new things, forced me to grow and visualize a larger picture, etc. It feels good, and I’m extremely fortunate to be working with someone now who has vision, initiative, and a desire to help make this thing the success I feel it can be. If all goes according to plan, you’ll be able to check out some really amazing things before too long, so definitely, definitely, definitely stay tuned!



So, we’re a few days away from the summer of 2018 officially being upon us. If where you live is anywhere similar to where I live, it certainly has felt like summer for some time now. In any case, I have all kinds of things happening right now that I’m extremely excited about. Like a pool in the summer (see what I did there?), let’s jump in.

This Saturday, I’ll be a host for the Chattanooga Readers and Writers Fair. I believe festivities run from 10-4:30, so if you’re in the neighborhood or plan to be, make sure to swing by the downtown library and hang out with us. I’ll actually be hosting the last portion of the day, and I’ll have my merch on hand, so if you’d like to take home a little bit of Your Friendly Neighborhood Xtian, you can do so!

In other news, I’ve been working with my students for this year’s MANIFEST Voices program, and things are going pretty well, I must say. The kids are sweet, so in a few more weeks, they should be finely-tuned poetry animals ready to rock out in front of the community. Dun, dun, dunnnn. No pressure. If you’re reading this, consider yourself officially invited to check them out, too. You can find the deets in my Performances section.

Lastly, as some of you know, I’ve been working on a documentary. I’d been reluctant to put that info out because it seemed like things weren’t going well, but there’ve been some significant shifts recently that have renewed my excitement about the project and my commitment to bringing it to fruition. I’m really psyched to announce everything that I have lined up, and you (yes, YOU) are needed to make this thing what I REALLY want it to be, which is a platform for the city’s voice as well as the voice of its people – regardless of background, education, etc. Stay tuned!!!